Thursday, January 22, 2009

LBE: Last Big Event

Hey gang,

I mentioned that I would put up a blog post for discussion/voting in case I got too many emails. Well, I got too many in the first day, and I should have put this up right away. In any case, it's up now :-P

Right now we have 2 options for our Next Big Event, which will likely be the Last Big Event I host here at BU. It is a constructed PEASANT event, and it will be one of the following two options:

CYOS---The original option: Choose Your Own Standard. Here you have to choose two (chronologically) neighboring blocks and a core set that neighbors at least one of them. Note that this doesn't exactly correspond to a given standard at one point in time, because, for example, Coldsnap is in the Ice Age block instead of mixed in with Time Spiral.

BYOS---Build Your Own Standard. Here you choose any two blocks and any core set and build your deck from that card pool.

There are a few more restrictions: First, all blocks must adhere to those block bannings. (Located here.) Second, for BYOS, players may not pick Core Sets before Revised (so no Alpha, Beta or Unlimited). Finally, the rarity of a card is determined by the rarity in the set you choose. This matters for cards like Loxodon Warhammer (uncommon in Mirrodin, but rare in 9th and 10th).

Please choose between either CYOS or BYOS and vote here on this blog (even if you already emailed me your vote). Feel free to explain your choice and harass others for their choices :-P Please leave your name or something so I know who you are (no multi-voting, KC!).

Sweet! :) Happy Magicking!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

October NBE Side Event?

Hey gang,

Should we have a side event for our October NBE? Please post suggestions here.

Side events are a bit tricky, especially for a constructed event. I doubt that people are going to want to drop out and play something else if they've built such a specific deck. On the other hand, I'd like to have people come by that wouldn't come otherwise.

The most obvious choice is to have a Deckmaster side event, but I'm not sure that everyone's interested in that.

Let me know! :)


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

October NBE!

First round of voting:

Restrict cards for the event by their casting cost (OneCC, or variants) or by their commonality (peasant). Please indicate who you are when voting.


1) Casting Cost

2) Commonality

I'll vote for casting cost. That puts the tally at:

Casting Cost: 1

Rarity: 0

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Deckmaster starting hand size

Hey gang,

Let's start a little discussion about Deckmaster initial hand sizes. Currently, our rules set it at 4, but 5 (or higher?) might turn out to be appropriate.

Let's have a rolling vote. Currently you may choose either 4 or 5, though these options might change.

Whichever has the highest total will be the current applied rules :) Thus, your votes have immediate effect! If you're not sure how you want to vote, then test it out and let me know what you think afterwards. I'd like to have another casual + deckmaster event in two weeks, though I'm not sure we'll have this nailed down by then.

Since the hand size 4 is what we've been using, we'll give it a free half-vote. Then the tally is:

4: .5
5: 0

I'll go ahead and vote for 5 :-P


4: .5
5: 1

Please vote :) You may always change your vote later. (Please identify yourself when voting so I know you're not just voting a bunch of times.)


Thursday, April 10, 2008

April NBE: Something Limited this way comes...

Hey all,

the date for our april NBE (if we have it) will be Sunday, April 27, at the normal time of noon.

We need to choose a limited event. Here are some options:

1) Wacky backdraft.

2) Reject Rare Draft

3) Cube Draft

Please suggest other options!

In addition, I have a bunch of Kamigawa Tournament packs, as well as Unhinged boosters that I'd love to get rid of. Since the best way to play with unhinged is Ironman (die, Gotcha, die!) I thought perhaps we could do something wacky with all that. I've spread around the idea of a 2HG Ironman event with that. That seems like it could get really messy; teams would have to use ALL their cards, and would have to rebuild decks after each round. Sounds awesome!

I only have so many packs for that, but I'm curious as to who might be interested. I think I have enough to support 4 teams or so.

Please go ahead and vote on the options above. If more options become available, you can always change your vote :-D


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunday: Elder Dragon Highlander!

This Sunday is Elder Dragon Highlander!

Here's the current list:

Jeff D: Momir Vig
Ryan Fl: Teneb
Bob: Scion of the Ur-Dragon
Kevin C: Treva
Scott B: Angus Mackensie
JC: Teysa
Mason: Hanna
Dan P: Venser
Rob Sh: Multani
Donny G: Zur
Cheev: Tsabo Tavoc
Robert Sk: Cromat
Ethan: Erayo
Jon A: Garza Zol
Kyle: Jasmine Boreal

That's 15 people! (So far)
Right now the format will look something like this:

Round 1: Two 8-player games
Round 2: Four 4-player games
Round 3: Five 3-player games
Round 4: Eight 2-player games

Obviously there will be some slight differences in the number of players for some games, as those numbers there don't work out exactly for anything :-P

In every round, you will earn points equal to the number of players you survive in that game, mulitplied by that round's multiplier. Thus, if five people die before you, and the multiplier for the round was 3, then you gain 15 points.

The multipliers for rounds will probably be 3, 4, 6 and 7, respectively. Please feel free to complain, and we'll see what we can do to make it more/less fair.



Monday, February 25, 2008

EDH Generals

At the end of Monday, here are the generals that have been assigned:

Jeff D: Momir Vig
Ryan Fl: Teneb, the Harvester
Bob: Scion of the Ur-Dragon
Kevin C: Treva, the Renewer
Scott B: Angus Mackensie
Brandon T: Vorosh, the Hunter
JC: Teysa, Orzhov Scion
Mason: Hanna, Ship's Navigator

Mason and Donny G "clashed" for Hanna, with Mason winning on a die roll.

Please continue to select generals. I will report any results in further posts on this thread. The above generals have been locked down and you may not select them (or use them in your deck).
