Thursday, January 24, 2008

NBE: February 2008: Emperor!

We need to vote: Draft Emperor or Sealed Emperor? In either case, it will be wacky. This NBE will be on February 10, and will probably start at noon or 12:30.

Since there will be some waiting time for people, we will have Progressive Deckmaster on the side.

As usual, this will be wacky. We will do our best to determine teams ahead of time. If you have a team, please email me with your team. If you don't, please email me and I'll try to find you a team. If there is an extra team missing one person, I'll join that team at the tournament.

Since this is limited, there will be no entry fee, and prizes will be determined by redrafting rares/foils/purples.




Unknown said...

Our team consists of myself, Bob, and Ryan.

My vote goes out for sealed; I think it will be less clunky than drafting for Emperor.

Rob S.

Unknown said...

With emperor, sealed seems to be the way to go.


Anonymous said...

reject rare emperor draft please

Unknown said...

one more hearty vote for sealed, coming at ya!

J. Trein said...

Sealed it is. Also, being a solo magic monkey, i need a team.

-joshua, the loneliest magic playing law student in the whole world

Van Fem said...
has a pretty good summary of emperor drafting and
has a pretty good summary of moving creatures in emperor--one of the more confusing aspects of the format.

Considering the event will start at noon on a Sunday, both the draft and games would not take much time--with say 12 people, 4 teams, and thus 3 games the whole thing probably won't take more time than the last single wacky draft. An emperor draft is also just a normal draft, so it is no different from the wacky draft last time. Wacky sealed emperor will be disastrous for a team flooded with parasitic and manafixing-less sets.

As a side note for people with boosters but not tourney packs, 3 boosters = 1 tourney pack. In other words, a team needs 11 boosters, or 1 tourney pack and 8 boosters, or 2 tourney packs and 5 boosters.

In short, a lone vote for draft. It probably doesn't matter either way.

Anonymous said...

joshua i will be on your team if you change your vote to draft

Anonymous said...

Sealed is fine, it seems to be the overwhelming pick

Anonymous said...

Don't bloody care one way or another.

Kyle said...

The voting for sealed vs draft is closed! We are doing Sealed Emperor! :)

Now we're voting for range. Options:
1) All players have a range of 1.
2) All players have a range of 2.
3) Emperors have range 2, lieutenants have range 1.

Vote for however many options you want!

(My vote is for (1)).

Van Fem said...

I vote for (2). I'm sure Rob, Ryan, Bob, Zac, and Matt are all either voting for 2 or 3 (and prefer either choices to 1). Choice 2 > 3 for the fact that your lieutenants can support one another (which means the game is always alive). Killing opposing emperors with burn is unfeasible in limited, so I don't think that's a big concern with 2-range.

If somehow it boils down to 1 or 3, I would vote for (3).

Kyle said...


Since this is approval voting, and not Instant Runoff, you'll have to choose to either vote for just 2 or 2 and 3 :-P

Anonymous said...

Donny G votes for option 3!

Anonymous said...

i'm votin for (1) cuz if i don't i know kyle will build a 5color door to nothingness deck and win.

Kyle said...

Kevin, does this mean you're coming?

Unknown said...

I like giving the emperor the ability to mess with enemy generals as well as help his own, as it allows for more strategy in deck construction and game play.

My vote goes out for 3.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I vote for #3.

Unknown said...

I'm for #2 and #3...

Hurrah for voting twice!

Its like class all over again :p

Van Fem said...

Alright, vote for #2 and #3.

Anonymous said...

Definitely #2 or #3. I don't much care either way.

Anonymous said...

2 or 3, whatever.

J. Trein said...

1 or 3

Anonymous said...

my team is myself, nils, and Dan Hagman.

Sealed, of course, and my vote goes for 3.

Anonymous said...

I hate you all, as usual.
Yes I'm coming, and I need a team.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm the new guy, I'm likely going to come. Possibly to play (if there's a team missing a person), possibly to watch. No worries if I don't get a team, just giving you a heads up.

Can anyone tell me what Progressive Deckmaster is?

Kyle said...


We are going to have at least 6 teams! Wow! I'm still taking sign-ups, so please let me know if you want to get in.

Due to pressure from people, I'm changing a rule: you may choose one set to bring 4 packs from. There. Feel free to max out and use just one block if you really want to:-P

I haven't gotten pack reservations from anyone yet. As a note: if you buy a tournament pack from me, I'll give you .50 back if you immediately give me the land. Also, my Onslaught tournament packs are only, like, 9 bucks or something like that.

We will be drafting tonight, though our numbers may be a little light.

6 teams! Wow!


Kyle said...


I added a bunch of stuff to the website about progressive deckmaster. I hope that explains things! :) Please let me know about any more questions.

Also, if there's a team for you, will you definitely play? Let me know so I can write your name down as soon as possible :)


Ben Allen said...

1. I'm coming

2. Having played all three variations of emperor, I find option (2) to be unquestionably the best.

Option (1) is frustrating because the emperor can't play any removal, and is stuck playing a deck full of pump spells. No fun.

Option (3) is better, but has the problem that if the emperor assembles some kind of combo, no one on the other team can disrupt it.

Option (2) avoids these problems and has the added advantage of making the games go quicker (because the emperor can be targeted.) With 7+ teams, we need all the speed we can get.

Speaking of which, I think the rounds should be timed, with five additional (single-player) turns after time is called.

Ben Allen said...

Kdogmaster-I'll join you if you still need a team

Kyle said...

The winner is option 3:

Emperors have a range of 2, lieutenants have a range of 1.

See you monkeys at Taco Bell at noon :-P
