Thursday, April 10, 2008

April NBE: Something Limited this way comes...

Hey all,

the date for our april NBE (if we have it) will be Sunday, April 27, at the normal time of noon.

We need to choose a limited event. Here are some options:

1) Wacky backdraft.

2) Reject Rare Draft

3) Cube Draft

Please suggest other options!

In addition, I have a bunch of Kamigawa Tournament packs, as well as Unhinged boosters that I'd love to get rid of. Since the best way to play with unhinged is Ironman (die, Gotcha, die!) I thought perhaps we could do something wacky with all that. I've spread around the idea of a 2HG Ironman event with that. That seems like it could get really messy; teams would have to use ALL their cards, and would have to rebuild decks after each round. Sounds awesome!

I only have so many packs for that, but I'm curious as to who might be interested. I think I have enough to support 4 teams or so.

Please go ahead and vote on the options above. If more options become available, you can always change your vote :-D



Van Fem said...

Definitely cube :p Just about any cube sounds like more fun than the other options.

Anonymous said...

How powerful of a cube are we talking here? No matter what though, I'm down for Cube. Insane high power (cube) beats insane low power (backdraft or reject rare draft) any day.

Unknown said...

Building a cube is a big undertaking for an event like this. You don't know how many people are going to show up when all is said and done, so you don't know how big a set to make. You also need a ton of sleeves if you want to play with good cards, because you need to sleeve the entire set and enough lands for people to play with. And they have to be the same color and style.

If we can figure out a good way to pull it off, cube is really fun.

I also approve of wacky backdraft.

Anonymous said...

I posted under the last topic about how I would like to have a Shadowmoor backdraft, no one probably read it cause it was so old. Have you considered that as an alternative to wacky backdraft? Please do. I'm not going to reiterate why its a great idea because you should be able to realize that yourself, given you have any knowledge of the shadowmoor expansion.

I'd really like to do Shadowmoor backdraft, especially since this will be the only time ever that we would give it a try before it fades to the past. If no one agrees that pure shadowmoor would be fun, I'll reluctantly settle for wacky backdraft. Yay more Saviors.

Unknown said...

I vote Reject Rare Draft.

Anonymous said...

I agree with kdog that full Shadowmoor backdraft would be a blast. So many of the cards have hybrid mana that you'll actually have to think while you're drafting, and even if you manage to evenly distribute your picks among all colors, your opponent will still be able to make a solid three-color deck. AND we get to play with all-new shadowmoor cards. Much more exciting than the tremendously underpowered wacky backdraft or reject rare draft!

Kyle said...

Okay, kdog and notkdog,

We probably cannot do a full-Shadowmoor draft, because we won't have cards in time.

Thus, we can't include it as one of the options.

I think that, unfortunately, we won't be able to do a cube draft unless we know exactly how many people are coming.

Thus, if a cube draft wins the voting, but we can't do it, then we'll take the second-place option.

If this changes your vote, feel free to alter things:-P

Anonymous said...

ok then I change my vote to reject rare draft, in hopes of doing shadowmoor backdraft as a non-big event.

Anonymous said...

A suggestion on how to make a cube draft:

Everybody bring their own 45 cards, divided into three "packs". Distribute the packs randomly at the start of the event. As for cases, everyone could use penny sleeves (the clear plastic ones that are 100 for a dollar, buyable at just about any card shop). Also bring a list of the cards you brought so you can retrieve them at the end.

That means you could bring 45 terrible cards, but that would kinda break the spirit of the event. Try to keep a somewhat even color distribution as well.

Sound workable?

Anonymous said...

so basically what donny g is saying, is that cube draft can be just like reject rare draft, except that it doesn't totally suck monkey balls. now i don't know what i want.

Anonymous said...

Donny's cube idea sounds pretty good, as long as everybody sticks to bringing powerful cards worthy of cube inclusion. I don't want to open up a pack and see Wood Elemental or Chimney Imp staring me in the face.

Anonymous said...

looks like it's kamigawa ironman

Van Fem said...

Matt and I managed to get 16 Shadowmoor packs out of the horrible prerelease (gogo 10 hour 2hg flight), and I know Rob has 4. If people have others, we could possibly do a full Shadowmoor backdraft. If we're short on Shadowmoor packs, we could fill in the remaining slots with Dissension (two out of the three guilds line up). If cube doesn't work, I think wacky backdraft with lots of Shadowmoor is probably a better option than kamigawa ironman.

Kyle said...

Hey gang,

Sorry, I haven't been back to tally things up lately. I don't think that the cube idea will work, however. There's nothing preventing two people from bringing the same card, etc, and no one's going to want to bring a bunch of powerful cards if there's no certainty that they're going to get them back at the end.

Kyle said...

My vote: Wacky Backdraft.

Unless any votes change, it's 3 for the backdraft and two for Reject Rare Draft.

Please finish voting by tonight :-P


Kyle said...

To address Dan's comment, full-on shadowmoor has two issues:

1) It's not wacky, which is what we push for here ;)

2) I'm still not sure we would have enough packs. We may wind up having lots of people.

Unknown said...

I'm changing my vote to reject rare draft now that someone explained exactly what wacky backdraft is.

If it's gonna be "bad" cards, I want to pick the ones I use, haha.

Anonymous said...

i hope you guys like Farmsteads

Anonymous said...

Alas, no cube. Guess my vote goes to reject rare draft then.

Kyle said...

Reject Rare Draft it is :-P

Anonymous said...

could you refresh my memory of what we have to bring for the rrd in terms of color/type distribution? I'm guessing something like seven of each color, 5 multi/land, 5 artifact?