Thursday, January 22, 2009

LBE: Last Big Event

Hey gang,

I mentioned that I would put up a blog post for discussion/voting in case I got too many emails. Well, I got too many in the first day, and I should have put this up right away. In any case, it's up now :-P

Right now we have 2 options for our Next Big Event, which will likely be the Last Big Event I host here at BU. It is a constructed PEASANT event, and it will be one of the following two options:

CYOS---The original option: Choose Your Own Standard. Here you have to choose two (chronologically) neighboring blocks and a core set that neighbors at least one of them. Note that this doesn't exactly correspond to a given standard at one point in time, because, for example, Coldsnap is in the Ice Age block instead of mixed in with Time Spiral.

BYOS---Build Your Own Standard. Here you choose any two blocks and any core set and build your deck from that card pool.

There are a few more restrictions: First, all blocks must adhere to those block bannings. (Located here.) Second, for BYOS, players may not pick Core Sets before Revised (so no Alpha, Beta or Unlimited). Finally, the rarity of a card is determined by the rarity in the set you choose. This matters for cards like Loxodon Warhammer (uncommon in Mirrodin, but rare in 9th and 10th).

Please choose between either CYOS or BYOS and vote here on this blog (even if you already emailed me your vote). Feel free to explain your choice and harass others for their choices :-P Please leave your name or something so I know who you are (no multi-voting, KC!).

Sweet! :) Happy Magicking!



Anonymous said...

I would be happy with both, but I think that BYOS would be more interesting.

I'm not a big fan of the Affinity...err... Peasant format, so although I'd be excited about BYOS or CYOS, I would probably sit out of the peasant version of the event.

Unknown said...

I'll cast my vote in favor of BYOS.

Peasant would be a significantly more powerful format than Pauper, but I'm okay with that.

Unknown said...

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about Affinity if we're using block bannings.

Ben Allen said...

Is there any reason not to use BYOS (i.e. you get to choose the two blocks)? What are the arguments against this format?

In any case, I vote BYOS because I have some super-neato ideas about it.

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for BYOS because it allows for more flexibility. Also, I already have a ton of decks built on my computer so it saves me some effort.

Unknown said...

I vote CYOS. We've done BYOS stuff before, so let's shake it up. Plus all my decks happen to be CYOS. Plus I like voting against everyone.

Unknown said...

I'm down with BYOS, and my vote goes to it as such.

As for block bannings, could I open a discussion for it to be possible to change stuff around for mirrodin? I know affinity was bad, but it was mostly (well...bascially entirely) because of four cards: cranial plating, aether vial, ravager, and skullclamp. All of those were banned except for cranial plating in block. Affinity without any of those (and since there is no master of etherium because of the format) is just a weak "high-risk/high reward" aggro deck. Unfortunately, all of the mirrodin artifact lands were banned in the process for mirrodin block. This kind of sucks, because I want to play with mirrodin block, NOT play affinity, and still use the artifact lands which definitely make up a large part of my deck.

My question is this: would it be possible to get a consensus to possibly ban cranial plating to prevent broken peasant affinity decks, but "unban" the artifact lands? I feel that the artifact lands are unique and add a lot to the set by themselves, but got such a bad rep because of all the synergy with affinity.

Ben Allen said...

I would be into exploring Ryan's idea. There are definitely a lot of cool things to do with artifact lands besides affinity.

What definitely needs to be banned are Skullclamp, Aether Vial, Cranial Plating, and (I would argue) Disciple of the Vault. If we're really scared of affinity, we can even ban Frogmite or Myr Enforcer.

Unknown said...

Disciple of the Vault is already banned in block, and therefore our peasant format.

Van Fem said...

To lend some credit to Ryan, I play (classic) pauper (all commons) on MTGO a lot where the only banned card is Cranial Plating; The only remotely frightening cards affinity can field in Peasant BYOS using the artifact lands are: Myr Enforcer (not too hard to deal with), Quicksilver Behemoth (yea, real frightening...), and Shrapnel Blast (which will undoubtedly use 4 of affinity's 5 uncommon slots but is only horrifying if you're caught with your pants down).

Not touching the artifact lands but booting the plating makes Trinket Mage-based parlor trick decks playable. Regardless of your decision on the artifact lands, you should probably ban Cranial Plating for the greater good--I doubt anyone wants to play against the vile equipment and everything else can be dealt with via creature removal.

Anonymous said...

Not to be a jerk, but how did it get to be Peasant anyway? I thought it was going to be a choice between BYOS and CYOS?

Kyle said...

I sent out an email in mid November with the following paragraph:

Furthermore, I'm all a fan of democracy and all, but sometimes I have to
be a bit fascist :( Because of this, I'm going to pick the format for our
NBE (sometime next semester) already: CYOS Peasant.

I got enough complaints about CYOS that I had to inject a little democracy... :-P

Kyle said...

Also, I really just hate artifact lands. It was the stupidest idea.

Kyle said...


Our version of Peasant allows 8 uncommons. (I just consulted our webpage...)

Also, for the purposes of either CYOS or BYOS, Lorwyn and Shadowmoor are ONE block.



Anonymous said...

I'd argue that if a card was banned in block or standard, it should stay banned in BYOS. One could even argue that current or past extended banlists should be included as well, but that only hits a couple cards: tinker and sensei's divining top come to mind.

In any case, I say the artifact lands should stay banned and cranial plating should be left alone.

Unknown said...

While I can't see the artifact lands being a terrible threat without disciple and ravager etc, I gotta go with Donny G: banned lists are banned lists. If we're going to be changing them, either removing OR adding cards, then there's no point in even using them.

That doesn't mean I don't want to use them, just that I think we should stick to the (block) lists. Extended lists don't really make a whole lot of sense, and really, if someone wants to devote their 8 slots to Top and Counterbalance and then fill their deck with Ice Age and Kamigawa commons, I say go ahead.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please clarify what the banned lists are. I have no idea what is going on, and the sooner we figure that out the sooner I start trying to build something. It's pretty much dependent on what's banned/what isn't banned. Is it that everything banned in block is banned in peasant? A little help on this would be appreciated.

Kyle said...


1) It seems like the most desired version is BYOS, so we'll do that.

2) We will use the regular block bannings. I don't think it's worth the risk to unban things when we would have to ban other cards. Too risky for an untested format that we'll be playing once :-P

Sweet! :-D

Anonymous said...

Any idea yet when this is going to be happening?