Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunday: Elder Dragon Highlander!

This Sunday is Elder Dragon Highlander!

Here's the current list:

Jeff D: Momir Vig
Ryan Fl: Teneb
Bob: Scion of the Ur-Dragon
Kevin C: Treva
Scott B: Angus Mackensie
JC: Teysa
Mason: Hanna
Dan P: Venser
Rob Sh: Multani
Donny G: Zur
Cheev: Tsabo Tavoc
Robert Sk: Cromat
Ethan: Erayo
Jon A: Garza Zol
Kyle: Jasmine Boreal

That's 15 people! (So far)
Right now the format will look something like this:

Round 1: Two 8-player games
Round 2: Four 4-player games
Round 3: Five 3-player games
Round 4: Eight 2-player games

Obviously there will be some slight differences in the number of players for some games, as those numbers there don't work out exactly for anything :-P

In every round, you will earn points equal to the number of players you survive in that game, mulitplied by that round's multiplier. Thus, if five people die before you, and the multiplier for the round was 3, then you gain 15 points.

The multipliers for rounds will probably be 3, 4, 6 and 7, respectively. Please feel free to complain, and we'll see what we can do to make it more/less fair.




Anonymous said...

is it bad that I haven't built or even begun to think about my deck yet?

Ben Allen said...

@kdog-Not bad at all, from my perspective.

Does anyone have any soul wardens or auriok champions I can borrow/trade for?

Kyle said...


We have two updates:

Brandon T: Vorash (he's coming again!)
Olivia: Horde of Notions

You are allowed to show up tomorrow without having reserved a general. My suggestion is to bring possible cards to put in your deck to replace any generals someone else might pick.

See you all tomorrow! Please do not be late. We will start without people.


Anonymous said...

So excited that I finished this film early. See you guys tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Change in plans: my general is now Rubinia Soulsinger. Angus Mackenzie never showed up in the mail. Frown.

Anonymous said...

yeah...does anyone care if i switch to brion stoutarm? sorry i just started building my deck and realized that red is way more cool.

Kyle said...


that's fine. Right now, it's first-come-first-serve as far as reserving generals. Be sure to post if you actually want to reserve anything, though!

Kyle said...


Bring paper and a pencil to keep track of how much damage each opposing general has done to you! You'll need to keep track of this just as much as you'll need to keep track of your life total.

To this end, whenever your general deals combat damage to a player, you need to remind the victim of that in a loud voice.



Anonymous said...

I feel that the next big event should be shadowmoor backdraft. I am personally interested in backdraft in general, since we haven't done it many times and kyle stole the show last time with his almost creatureless deck. Beyond my interest, Shadowmoor would be a great set to brackdraft with, full of hybrid cards that make it difficult to completely screw your opponent. Backdraft also exposes us to the biggest card pool, so we'll get to look at lots of new cards each round and try to discover bad combos. Think about it.