Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Deckmaster starting hand size

Hey gang,

Let's start a little discussion about Deckmaster initial hand sizes. Currently, our rules set it at 4, but 5 (or higher?) might turn out to be appropriate.

Let's have a rolling vote. Currently you may choose either 4 or 5, though these options might change.

Whichever has the highest total will be the current applied rules :) Thus, your votes have immediate effect! If you're not sure how you want to vote, then test it out and let me know what you think afterwards. I'd like to have another casual + deckmaster event in two weeks, though I'm not sure we'll have this nailed down by then.

Since the hand size 4 is what we've been using, we'll give it a free half-vote. Then the tally is:

4: .5
5: 0

I'll go ahead and vote for 5 :-P


4: .5
5: 1

Please vote :) You may always change your vote later. (Please identify yourself when voting so I know you're not just voting a bunch of times.)



Ben Allen said...

5 cards! With 4, the player who goes first runs out of gas almost immediately.

Actually, we can quantify this. If a player starts out with X cards, that player can play X-1 spells before going into topdeck mode (assuming one land drop per turn.)

Kyle said...


4: .5
5: 2

I agree with this comment, but I also think that a large part of playing/drafting deckmaster is to plan ahead to avoid/roll with the top deck mode. The plan here is not to choose the right amount of cards that prevents arriving in top-deck mode---it's a big part of the format---but to choose the right amount of cards that best balances hitting this mode.

The better players will hit top deck mode exactly when they plan on it. My usual problem is not that I hit top-deck mode, but that I have cards in hand that I haven't played yet whereas other cards would have already been out on the board, helping me out.